Internet Filtering Solution


FlashStart detects the sources of Malware (bad web sites) as well as the symptoms of Malware. This is complementary to anti-threat software deployed on PC’s or devices. FlashStart mitigates ransomware, viruses, banking trojans, botnets and more than 25,000 variations.


New internet content is detected and classified within 24 hours. Separate ‘Safe Search’ categorization according to You-Tube, Google and Bing can also be enabled. When a blocked page is reached users receive a customizable stop page and the event is logged.


While fully compliant with leading privacy laws (eg 95/46/EC, BPjM etc) FlashStart retains up to 6 month of historical data for creating ad-hoc or scheduled reports. Many pre-canned report formats are available to minimize the effort required.


For many reasons the ability to detect and potentially block access to certain countries can be a considerable help. Usually this is because of a perceived risk but it might also create a geo-fence for children or employees.


Halt Grooming & Child Abuse

FlashStart blocks access to an extensive database of grooming sites (terror related and sexual) identified by Government and NGO’s and which are continually updated.

Stop Cyber-bulling


Hotspots for bullying are efficiently blocked. FlashStart continuously expands it database of internet sites attracting children and when a child enters a previously unknown site then it is categorized within 24 hours.

Reduce Systems Downtime


Computers in the classroom and the schools admin function are kept free from 25,000 strains of malicious software like Ransomware, Viruses, Botnets, Worms and trojans.

Time Wasting

There can be many reasons to automatically adapt internet filtering policies during the day. For example (1) social medial allowed in breaks, not work-time, or, (2) re-use of a school classroom for adult education in the evening.

Malware Protection

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Customer Protection

Service access can be filtered for sexual and violent images and other content deemed inappropriate. It blocks 25,000 strains of malware (Ransomware, Viruses, Botnets, Worms and trojans etc) to help keep the customer safe.

Introducing Geoblocking

The main reason behind Geolocation implementation was to protect the networks against Cryptlocker.
Geo-blocking allows you to block traffic to and from any Continent containing unwanted content in your Network.

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